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Events in Jerusalem

Portraits of Self

Portraits of Self at 06.05.2010

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Thursday may 6th

The Merkaz's Hadassah Art Gallery presents "Portraits of Self," photography by Meira Gottleib and Gal Cohen-Steiner.

Curators: Ofra Zucker and Yael Cushman

The instant moment. The spontaneous action that is seen only once and never recreated. ‘Portraits of self' explores the use of photography to capture the ‘instant', an action that either silly or dramatic can never be captured again. Photography is a medium used to capture memories. It is the unexplained moment that is truly the hardest, the tiny smile, the sudden laugh that escapes your mouth. It is traditional forms of expression but seen through contemporary eyes where memories are taken and turned into expressions of art. These artists use the ‘photographed moment' to display true, raw emotion exclusive to its own environment. Whether it is the lone traveler stopping to take a picture or the sudden smile of a child caught on film. Each piece is a moment, a personal moment to someone in the world.


The Merkaz Hadassah Art Gallery 7A Dor Dor VeDorshav St


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