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Events in Jerusalem

March and April 2010 at the Tower of David Museum

March and April 2010 at the Tower of David Museum at 01.03.2010

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Monday mar 1st

The Tower of David museum presents a wide variety of activities, performances, tours, shows, and exhibits throughout the months of March and April.

The Night Spectacular - "The Best night show in Israel. period" (TheMarker magazine)

As dusk embraces the stones of the citadel, the history of Jerusalem unfolds in a blaze of breathtaking images, characters and sounds on the ancient walls of the Tower of David in a multi-sensory experience!


Performances for The Night Spectacular in March:

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 20:30 and 21:30


April: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings

Additional performances during Passover!

March 30, April 3 and April 5 at 20:30, 21:30

March 31 and April 4 at 20:00, 21:00, 22:15, 23: 15


The Night Spectacular is 45 minutes long.

Adults: 50 NIS, Children/students and senior citizens: 40 NIS

Suitable for ages 6 +. Suitable for all languages.

The Night Spectacular takes place outside. Please dress warmly.

Advance booking strongly advised: 02-626-5333 or on-line at


The Night Spectacular is wheelchair accessible.


From Venice to Naples - Italy in Jerusalem

Tour and Concert


A tour looking at the influence of Italian culture in Jerusalem and in particular of the Franscican Compound in the Old City. The tour will be followed by a concert of popular Italian songs performed by the Aterna Music and Aterna Opera groups.

Musical Director - Illya Plotkin


Friday 16.04.10 at 10:30

Price: Adults - 80 NIS Students/Senior Citizens - 65 NIS

Advanced registration required



Lovers in Jerusalem - Spring

Combined Tour with The Night Spectacular


From the Tower of David Museum to David's Village, Mishkenot Sha'ananim, Yemin Moshe, the tour will cover stories of impossible and forbidden love, heart wrenching affairs, and "happily ever after" stories of Jerusalem. The Night Spectacular follows the tour.


Thursday 15.04.10 at 19:00


Price: Combined ticket for adults: 75 NIS students/senior citizens: 65 NIS



Guided Tours of the Permanent Exhibition

English: Sunday - Friday at 11:00 am

French: Tuesday at 11:00 am

Hebrew: Monday and Wednesday at 10:30 am

The guided tours are included in the admission price. Group bookings may be made through the office: 02 626-5347.

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday 10:00 to 17:00; Friday 10:00 to 14:00; Saturday 10:00 to 17:00


Jaffa Gate


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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