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Events in Jerusalem

June 2010 Events and Exhibitions at the Jerusalem Artists House

June 2010 Events and Exhibitions at the Jerusalem Artists House at 10.06.2010

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Thursday jun 10th

The Jerusalem Artists House invites you to enjoy a variety of events and new exhibitions throughout June 2010.

Rupture and Repair

An exhibition in conjunction with the Adi Prize for Jewish Expression in Art and Design

Opening: Saturday, 08.06.2010. Closing: Saturday, 10.07.2010

The exhibition brings together the eighteen works selected as finalists for "The Adi Prize for Jewish Expression in Art and Design," a biennial international competition in the visual arts on a theme related to Jewish thought and tradition, organized by The Adi Foundation...

A performance by Inbal Yomtovian will take place on June 11, 2010 at 11:00 a.m.

Artist talks:
Fri. 18.6.2010 at 11:00 - Dov Abramson
Fri. 25.6.2010 at 11:00 - Maya Zack
Fri. 2.7.2010 at 11:00 - Hadassa Goldvicht

The exhibition is accompanied by a publication.


Fifth exhibition in the 16th Nidbach series

Opening: Thursday, 10.06.2010. Closing: Saturday, 10.07.2010

Yuval Sharon applies a wide ranged view that doesn't allow anything to get by; from thought and observation of critical and significant phenomena to the esoteric and unnecessary, Sharon builds a personal, rich and layered world. It is as if he holds within himself several different artists with complex, sometimes clashing or baseless, understandings. Through them he collects the contrasts and casts them into one... (Avi Sabah)

A gallery talk with the artist and curator will be held on Sat. 3.7.10 at 12:00

Rifkah (Rita) Goldberg

Jerusalem Faces and Places

Opening: Thursday, 10.06.2010. Closing: Saturday, 10.07.2010

Jerusalem is the main theme of Rifkah's work. She paints the real and physical city by observing her subjects over extended periods. Her paintings are honest, intimate and caring studies of what is going on in particular settings at the present time.Rifkah documents the changes Jerusalem is going through: taking down the old and building the new. She also expresses her love for this city's special and unusual aspects: its intimacy, everyday life in the small old neighborhoods, as well as abandoned objects, rubbish and poverty... (Amos Rabin)

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday 10:00 to 13:00 and 16:00 to 19:00; Friday 10:00 to 13:00; Saturday 11:00 to 14:00


Shmuel Hanagid St. 12


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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