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Events in Jerusalem


HomeLessHome at 14.01.2010

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Thursday jan 14th

Museum on the Seam reopens with a new exhibit, HomeLessHome:

The exhibition will aspire to investigate the relationship between the private home and the state. It will study the formal and functional similarity between the two spaces which enables the definition of both as "home", and the difference between them, which traditionally places the former in the private sphere and the latter in the political sphere.

The home is seen as something "natural", as a space dominated by needs that are of no interest to the designed public space. Its interior is identified as a private, safe space, beyond the reach of legitimate intervention of the state.
The contours of the home will be exposed as something that needs to be constantly redefined, since the political invades the home time and again, and the private home can be politicized at any given moment.

The Opening will take place on January 14 at 19:00 and is open to the public. On the closing day, September 3, 2010, admission to the museum will be free and there will be tours and a gallery talk with the curator at 11:00 and 12:30.

Open Hours

Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 10:00 to 17:00; Tuesday, 10:00 to 21:00; Friday 10:00 to 14:00


Chel Handasa St. 4 (Route 1)


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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