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Events in Jerusalem

Water in Jerusalem at the Bloomfield Science Museum

Water in Jerusalem at the Bloomfield Science Museum at 22.03.2010

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Monday mar 22nd

A variety of exhibits centered around the themes of water and water conservation are on display at the Bloomfield Science Museum.


Water in Jerusalem:

Water in Jerusalem is a new exhibit about water as an impetus for urban growth. The exhibit features a historical overview of water sources and various technologies that served to bring water to Jerusalem from the period of the Biblical Kings and up until today. The exhibit is graphic and includes Jerusalem souvenirs, accessories, and stories. As part of the exhibit the museum developed a computer game, in which visitors will create a "cup of Jerusalem water," for which they have to take into account the quality of water, the cost of water production and delivery to Jerusalem from wells both near and far.


Touching Water:

The "Touching Water" exhibit at the museum will re-open on International Water Day. The exhibit features huge interactive displays in a pool of water which children and their parents are invited to operate, to undertsand the characteristics of water and to try out man made machines meant to conserve water. The displays include: a huge wheel and pump similar to those used to water orchards in Israel in the 19th century, pumping water with a huge screw whose invention is attributed to Archimedes, canals, and more.


Like a Dream:

Like a Dream is an enchanted show by artists Tali Alohav. A display of light, a moving drawing, on a screen during a live show. The drawing is created before the eyes of the audience and is screened as an animated film with musical accompaniment, using Liquid Lightshow technology. (Additional Fee)


Additional Attractions:

The museum will also offer additional attractions at for no additional fee:

-Workshops and demonstrations on water conservation

-Spinning painting wheel building corner--children can take home their creations


The water exhibits at the museum are made possible by Mekorot and Arad, Bermad and Amiad.


Open Hours

Weekdays and Hol Hamoed: 10:00 to 18:00; Fridays and Holiday Eves: 10:00 to 14:00; Saturday and Holidays: 10:00 to 16:00; the museum will be closed on March 28 and 29, the Seder eve.


Hebrew University, Givat Ram


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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