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Events in Jerusalem

Angels and Demons: Jewish Magic through the Ages

Angels and Demons: Jewish Magic through the Ages at 05.05.2010

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Wednesday may 5th

The Bible Lands Museum presents "Angels and Demons - Jewish Magic through the Ages": a new exhibition.

How do you charm a woman? How do you protect babies against the evil demon Lilith? Why would you bury bowls upside-down at the entrance to your home?

The magical and mysterious world of Jewish incantations, spells and curses will be revealed in the upcoming exhibition Angels and Demons, Jewish Magic through the Ages.

This thought-provoking exhibition combines archaeology, folklore and superstition in an all encompassing display of amulets, khamsas, jewelry, manuscripts, books of spells and other mystifying objects.

Open Hours

Sunday to Tuesday, Thursday 9:30 to 17:30; Wednesday, 9:30 to 21:30; Friday and Holiday eves, 9:30 to 14:00


Granot St. 25


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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