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Events in Jerusalem

Remangar Flamenco Dance Group: Time of the Butterfly - Tiempo Mariposa

Remangar Flamenco Dance Group: Time of the Butterfly - Tiempo Mariposa at 29.12.2012

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Saturday dec 29th

Remangar Flamenco Dance Group: Time of the Butterfly - Tiempo Mariposa

A seventy minute performance built as a sequence of contradictions between "Flamenco Puro": pure, authentic Flamenco, and innovative, bold contemporary solo segments. The music includes original compositions with original texts alongside personal improvisations. Time of the Butterfly is a magic moment which comes suddenly and then disappears! Twelve Remangar participants: dancers, guitarists, singers, and musicians come together to perform this revolutionary, breathtaking show.

December 29, 2012 at 20:30 at the Jerusalem Theatre.


Marcus St. 20


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