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Events in Jerusalem

Vertigo 20: The Vertigo Dance Group

Vertigo 20: The Vertigo Dance Group at 17.01.2013

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Thursday jan 17th

Vertigo 20: The Vertigo Dance Group's 20th Anniversary Performance

The Vertigo Dance Group visits the Jerusalem Theatre with a debut performance of "Vertigo 20": a new show in honor of the group's 20th anniversary.

Thursday, January 17, 2013 at 20:30 in the Jerusalem Theatre

"Vertigo 20," Noa Wertheim's new project, weaves together 20 years of dance. In this performance, seeks the symbols that were placed along the way, as if to decipher the mystery of time. She unravels the stiches between the personal and the collective, moves between the realistic to the surreal, the intimate to the theatrical, the metaphysical to the concrete. In the course of her work with the group, the group's distinct voice finds expression, drawing inspiration and influence from various sources both within the physical world and beyond it. This unique language creates a theatrical event which initiates a sequence of life events.

Choreography: Noa Wertheim

Choreography assistant and co-producer: Rina Wertheim-Koren

Dancers: Eyal Vizner, Micha Amos, Tomer Navot, Ami Vilonski, Yael Tzivolsky, Nitzan Margaliot, Maria Selvek, Dori Even, Chen Azarihan, Dovidos Latkaoskes, Shaun Ols, Dor Mamalia

Music: Ron Bango

Set and costumes: Rakefet Levi

Lighting design: Dani Fishoff - Magenta

Duration: 50 minutes

Thursday | Janary 17, 2013 | 20:30 | Jerusalem Theatre

Tickets: 160 NIS

Image cretit: Gadi Dagon


Marcus St. 20


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