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Events in Jerusalem

Jerusalem Dance Theater Debut: Jerusalem Syndrome

Jerusalem Dance Theater Debut: Jerusalem Syndrome at 16.12.2012

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Sunday dec 16th

The Jerusalem Dance Theater directed by Lior Lev is proud to present the debut of "Jerusalem Syndrome," a mosaic in movement of Jerusalem personalities, between imagination to reality, with choreography by Lior Lev.

Jerusalem debut: Sunday, December 16, 2012 at 21:00 at the Gerard Bechar Center.

Lev, a respected choreographer, trained a group of Israeli dancers and added a number of foreign dancers to the group, resulting in a unique international cooperation of dancers who lives and dances in Jerusalem. In Jerusalem Syndrome, Lev chose to focus on imaginary personalities from Jerusalem, where each one is a world in himself. Together, they form a colorful, fascinating mosaic in movement, exaggerated theatricality and surprising situations which deal with being and searching which redefine each person's identity. Lev treads lightly between imagination and reality, between truth and fabrication.

Choreography: Lior Lev and the Jerusalem Dance Theater
Dancers: Sharon Marlis Bakli, Katri Slipola, Ivrim Akai, Asher Lev, Omer Astarchan
Music: collage
Lighting: Uri Rubinstein
Duration: 50 minutes with no intermission
Tickets: 90 NIS


Bezalel St. 11


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