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Events in Jerusalem

Dance Meets Video Art: Yael Orni at Barbur

Dance Meets Video Art: Yael Orni at Barbur at 11.12.2012

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Tuesday dec 11th

Dancer and video artist Yael Orni visits Barbur with two solo performances on Tuesday December 11 at 21:00.

Yael Orni's visit comes as part of the "Dance in the Gallery" series at Barbur. Orni will perform two solo dance performances, "Perach" (Flower) and "Nireh" (we'll see), and screen her video art piece "Meimadim."

"Perach", a 10 minute piece, deals with the transience of relationships and includes video art. (10 minutes)

"Nireh" deals with layers as an allegory for the complicated nature of relationships and also includes video art (10 minutes).

All choreography, video art, musical editing, design, and costumes were created by Yael herself.

"Meimadim": at the center of the piece is the research question, is it possible to turn a two dimentional drawing into a three dimensional one. The components in their entirety create a kinetic, multi-layered composition which moves in time and space (13 minutes). View a video from the piece here:

Yael Orni recently performed "Nireh" in the "Nisui Kelim" festival and her new duet "GPS" at the Kuchang International dance Festival in South Korea with dancer Elad Livnat. She has performed and her art has been exhibited in several festivals and shows in Israel and around the world. For more information visit


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