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Events in Jerusalem

Kolben Dance: Truffles (Jerusalem Debut)

Kolben Dance: Truffles (Jerusalem Debut) at 01.11.2012

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Thursday nov 1st

The Kolben Dance group presents "Truffles." The Jerusalem debut will take place on November 1, 2012 at the Jerusalem Theatre at 20:30.

Choreography: Amir Kolben | Costumes: Hagar Vital | Lighting: Shai Yehudai | Soundtrack and set design: Amir Kolben

Through dance and theatre, "Truffles" explores our love-hate relationship with food and meals: food as prey, food in relation to body image, frustration, and desire. The show's premise: a group of people find themselves at a festive evening meal at which there is no host, only guests. Stories and memories circulate among the guests, new cultural rituals are created in the course of the meal which become struggles for survival as rules of etiquette crumble. "Truffles" barely touches the physical-realistic aspect of food, rather, the show mainly deals with the social and cultural aspects of food, and the place in which culture and primal, unprocessed desire meet.

Image of Kolben Dance group by Ofir Bolotin.


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