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Events in Jerusalem

June 2012 at Machol Shalem

June 2012 at Machol Shalem at 26.06.2012

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Tuesday jun 26th

June 2012 at Machol Shalem:

Shoa Lite (Holocaust Lite) - by Ruby Edelman Additional Performances

2.6 | 21:00 | Nachmani Hall, Tel Aviv
26.6 | 20:30 | Karnaf Hall, Jerusalem
30.6 | 20:00 | The Zawirowania Dance Festival, Warsaw

Towards its Europe tour, the successful and outrages show "Shoa Lite" returns to Israel for a few more performances.

Edelman's work won the award for artistic prowess from the Acco Festival judge panel, and the show has received raving reviews. "Shoa Lite" is a surreal journey that delves into the Israeli experience, by going back and forth between the collective memory of the Holocaust, and the materialistic culture which rules the Israeli society, a society torn between a legacy of memorial days and wars, and a wild hedonistic present; a society that tries to lead a healthy lifestyle to preserve the body, but neglects the soul that must face the diseased occupation, which rules the current Israeli reality.

Ensemble Itim Hall, 4 Nachmani St. Tel Aviv

Karnaf Hall, 22 Shivtey Israel St. Jerusalem

To order your tickets please dial: 03-510-6065, or you can order your ticket online at:

To watch the show's trailer click here.


Under Open Skies | Sharona Florsheim Hosts Various Dance Artists

7.6 | 20:30 | Karnaf hall

Sharona Florsheim will hosts Anat Shamgar and Henry Baileys.

Three different improvisation artists create a realtime performance, a rich and surprising tapestry of dance, music and text. A show which is (almost) entirely improvised, and creates a playground for acting, action, curiosity, and chaotic disorder, inviting the viewers to become an active part of what happens on stage.

A link to Sharona Florsheim's website:

Contact information: 054-4255797, Sharona



14.6 | Culture Island | in collaboration with JCYA

Ongoing performances and an open air chill out area | 20:00 - 24:00 | Karnaf Compound

Pa-shoot | Simply to Touch | Oren Brier and Zehava Padnas | 20:00 | Karnaf Hall

Further details at: 054-4705110, or online:

For further details about the Culture Island event series:

Culture Island Hosts IZABO and J VIEWS

15.6 | 13:00 | Summer party at the Karnaf Compound

With the conclusion of the Academic school year, Karnaf compound will host the Front Stage series of Friday summer parties. The music performances will take place on platform A. On platform B Dj's Schoolmaster and Dalit Rechester will be spinning the records for you.

Free Entrance for all.

Dancing the Creation | Shuli Dance

18.6 | 17:30 and 19:30 | Karnaf Hall

An artistic performance showcasing dozens of girls dancing together on one stage, a combination of modern dance bits and video.

For women only

To order tickets and for further information: Shuli, 054-8449644

For more information:


White | A night of Dance art

20.6 | 20:30 | Karnaf Hall

Street Singing by Racheli Zohar, performed by Yasmin Rotkopf, Anat Yaffe and Shani Tamari.
Soft Cement - Premier, by Anat Yaffe, performed by Karen Segal
Pond - Performed and choreographed by Anat Yaffe
A Pilot's Hat - Performed and choreographed by Yasmin Rotkopf
For further details:

Culture Island

21.6 | 20:00 - 24:00 | Karnaf Compound

Ongoing performances and an open air chill out area

Guest Performance | Bollwerklab 7 | Amsterdam

The Machol Shalem Dance house is proud to host the prestigious production house Bollwerk with its performance night, Identities, introducing the shows All About & No-Mad by Efrat Levy and Alexander Gershberg.

20:30, Karnaf Hall.

For further details about the show click here.

For further details about the Culture Island event series:


Machol Shalem Shivtei Yisrael Street


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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