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Events in Jerusalem

Vertigo Dance Group: The Birth of the Phoenix at the Botanical Gardens

Vertigo Dance Group: The Birth of the Phoenix at the Botanical Gardens at 02.05.2012

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Wednesday may 2nd

The Vertigo Dance Group presents "The Birth of the Phoenix" at the Botanical Gardens

Wednesday, May 2, 2012 at 20:30 at the Botanical Gardens

The Birth of the Phoenix is an ecological dance project which deals with the dialogue between man and his creator. The performance will take place inside a geodesic dome.
Choreography: Noa Vertheim. Music: Ron Bagno. Concept: Amos Stempel.

Tickets: 80-90-100 NIS For tickets call Bimot: 02-623-7000 or *6226


Yehuda Burla Street


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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