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Events in Jerusalem

The Remangar Flamenco Dance Company at the Jerusalem Theatre: Mi Alborada

The Remangar Flamenco Dance Company at the Jerusalem Theatre: Mi Alborada at 04.02.2012

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Saturday feb 4th

The Remangar Flamenco Dance Company presents "Mi Alborada", directed by Keren and Avner Pesach, with five dancers and nine musicians.

The show depicts the constant sensory whirlwind of the dancer's experience, between chaos, intoxication, search, enlightenment, and fulfillment. The heart of the performances is the opposition and polarities that take place along the way.



Artistic and musical direction: Keren and Avner Pesach

With: five dancers and nine musicians, instrumentalists, and singers. Guest artist: Amir Shahsar

Duration:  approximately 1 hour, no intermission

Saturday, April 16 at 21:15 in the Rebecca Crown Auditorium


Marcus St. 20


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