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Events in Jerusalem

Raising the Curtain: Curtain 3

Raising the Curtain: Curtain 3 at 29.11.2010

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Monday nov 29th

The Jerusalem Theatre presents Raising the Curtain: Curtain 3.

The Dance Festival of Contemporary artists returns to the Jerusalem Theatre twenty years after its founding. Creators that began their career in Raising the Curtain and went on to become big names in Israeli dance will particpate in the festival. New artists alongside veteran ones will present new shows.

November 29, 2010: Curtain 3. Artistic director: Renana Raz.

"First Work" - Choreography: Gili Navot | "Ishunim" - Choreography: Dana Rottenberg | "Third Work" - Choreography: Maya Briner


Marcus St. 20


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