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Events in Jerusalem


Artnes at 18.08.2010

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Wednesday aug 18th

Hama'abada presents Artnes: Improvisation is the art of the show. A live performance of improvisational theater, music and dance.

A few years ago I overheard my teacher answering the question "what is an improvisation performance?" - "Setting a time and place for a miracle to occur".

Those words unite my insides every day.

Artnes is the act of chance in art. The final removal of the knowing mind and the creating mind, the super sympathy and string theory musicality, poetic film of the body in movement.

Artistic management: Shachar Dor | Performers: Orly Prtal, Alon Karmiel, Yael Turgeman, Yaara Mozes, Mickey Shachrur, Noam Carmeli, Shachar Dor and Tamar Or | Lighting design: Tamar Or | Music: Shachar Dor


Hebron St. 28


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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