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Events in Jerusalem

Dance Arena Festival 2010

Dance Arena Festival 2010 at 27.07.2010

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Tuesday jul 27th

Hama'abada and Hazira present The Dance Arena Festival: a dance festival featuring a wide variety of modern choreographers, dance artists, and unique projects. Two final pieces based on collaboration by dance artists from Israel and abroad (France, Holland, Belgium) will be performed at the festival, which will focus on young experminal creations.

New Dance at Hazira: a unique guidance project which nurtures young creators by forging connections with experienced dance creators- Anat Danielli and Arkadi Zaides.

One by One project: Connecting dance artists with artists from other areas of art. The purpose of the project is to encourage choreographers to meet and create with other artists.

Special Guests: Tamar Borer, Karen Levi, Emanuel Grive and more...



Hebron St. 28


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