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Events in Jerusalem

Zoo Run: Warm-up for the Jerusalem International Marathon 2013

Zoo Run: Warm-up for the Jerusalem International Marathon 2013 at 16.11.2012

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Friday nov 16th

The City of Jerusalem, in partnership with the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo, invites all runners for an enjoyable running experience along green paths and a spectacular view with no traffic. After the run, all participants will be able to enjoy time at the Biblical Zoo.

When: Friday, November 16th, 2012, gates open at 7:00 AM

Address: Aharon Shulov Street 1, Manahat Park, Jerusalem

Participation fee: is 10 shekels per participant and will be collected in cash only on the day of the run at the entrance to the zoo. The participation fee will be donated to the "For the Sake of the Fallow Deer" project.

At the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo lives a large herd of 100 deer. Several years ago the zoo began its returning the deer to nature initiative in Bar Giora area of the Jerusalem hills. A number of deer have been spotted walking along Nahal Soreq, and we hope we can continue to return this lovely animal to the nature around us. Donations collected at the run will be used to purchase the transmitter, which will enable the tracking of the deer after their return to nature.

Description of the tracks*:

Short and family-friendly track: roughly 4.5 kilometers, including two laps around the zoo

Medium track: roughly 8.5 kilometers- a lap around the zoo, exiting the zoo gates toward the zoo parking lot, turning right into the Nachal Refaim area, continuing to the entrance to the Park Jerusalem road, around Ein Lavan area, and return to the zoo

Long track: roughly 11.5 kilometers- a lap around the zoo, exiting the zoo gates toward the zoo parking lot, turning right into the Nachal Refaim area, continuing to the Itamar spring until Ein Balad for a u-turn there around the ancient olive tree and returning to the Park Jerusalem road, around Ein Lavan area, and return to the zoo


7:00 entry into the zoo

7:30 welcome remarks and warm-up

8:00 briefing and start of run for all three tracks

9:30 end of run and stretching

10:15 estimated finish time

*There may be slight changes in the tracks.

Parking is free at the zoo's parking lot.

Participation in the run is limited to 500 runners, based on a first come-first served basis.

Registration can be done through the Jerusalem Marathon website:

Image of deer by Yaara Forest Tamari.


HaAron Shuluv


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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