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Events in Jerusalem

Bloomfield Science Museum: Science From the Movies - Asteroid Shower

Bloomfield Science Museum: Science From the Movies - Asteroid Shower at 18.05.2012

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Friday may 18th

The Bloomfield Science Museum presents "Science from the Movies," a film screening and discussion at the Jerusalem Cinematheque.

Friday May 18 at 10:00: Asteroid Shower: on astronomic bodies that circle the sun, on the reasons that some of them reach the earth, and possible damage they could cause. With Professor Ram Sari, Rekach Center for Physics, Hebrew University, and the chairman of the director's committee at the Bloomfield Science Museum. The film Armageddon (Michael Bee) will be screened. 

Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech


The Jerusalem Cinematheque | Derech Hevron 11


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