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Events in Jerusalem

Passover 2012 in Jerusalem: Fairs and Bazaars

Passover 2012 in Jerusalem: Fairs and Bazaars at 23.03.2012

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Friday mar 23rd

A variety of fairs and bazaars will take place in Jerusalem before and on Passover 2012.

Old City Fair in the Jewish Quarter
Over the intermediate days of Pesach, tens of thousands of tourists from Israel and abroad visit Jerusalem. A festive fair will take place in the Jewish Quarter, on the path that leads from the Jewish Quarter to the Kotel for four consecutive days on April 8, 9, 10 and 11, 2012 from 10:00-22:00.

Gift Fair at Hadar Mall
A Passover gift fair will take place at the Hadar Mall in Talpiot from March 29-April 6th, including Saturday night March 31st.

German Colony Fair
A gift, arts, and food fair will take place at Beit Yehudit on Emek Refaim 12, from March 23-March 30 as well as on Friday April 6, from 9:00-15:00.


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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