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Events in Jerusalem

Retro-Jerusalem Weekly Thursday Night Fair

Retro-Jerusalem Weekly Thursday Night Fair at 08.04.2012

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Sunday apr 8th

Retro is in. A new weekly Thursday night retro fair will take place in the City Center, on the Agrippas Street pedestrian mall, featuring antiques, vintage, collectors, and second hand items, accessories, and more.

The public is invited to bring items to be assessed at no cost by an international antiques expert, David Ben-Ami.

An organic vegetable farmer's market will take place every Thursday at 13:00 in the garden of the Arcadia restaurant, and Arcadia will offer a special tapas menu at discounted prices.

The Agrippas 12 Gallery will also participate in the fair with a special workshop and tour at 18:00.

Throughout the course of the year, there will be guided tours in the unique Even Shmuel neighborhood across the road, and in the summer, activities and concerts for families.

The fair will take place on Thursdays between 12:00 and 22:00, From March 29, 2012 - October 2012, as well as throughout the intermediate days of Passover.

Open Hours



Ben Yehuda Street, Agrippas Street


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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