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Events in Jerusalem

TLC Festival and 10 NIS specials at the Malcha Mall

TLC Festival and 10 NIS specials at the Malcha Mall at 20.11.2011

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Sunday nov 20th

TLC Festival at the Malcha Mall: Pamper yourself at the Malcha Mall. From November 21-23 the mall will be selling all sorts of pampering products for both body and soul.
*natural handmades soaps of all types shapes and colors
*household spa and feng-shui products
*cozy warm-me-up items for the winter: hot water bottles, throw blankets, slippers
*tasty treats: chocolates and pralines, cupcakes
*TO-GO massage stand
*photography exhibit

10 NIS special at the Malcha Mall: From November 20-24, spend 299 NIS in one day at the mall and choose from a variety of quality products for just 10 NIS.


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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