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Events in Jerusalem

Poetry and Immigration

Poetry and Immigration at 18.05.2011

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Wednesday may 18th

Yossi Alfi hosts poets for an encounter about poetry, immigration, and local identity.


Immigration tears people out of their familiar world and connects them to a new world. The immigration process, which has characterized Israel for more than a century, often finds its way into the works of authors and poets from all across the spectrum. This is true for Israeli-born artists as well as second- and third-generation immigrants.


An evening of dialogue among poets about the shared language of immigrants and about their contribution to the formation of the Israeli character.


Part 1: Yossi Alfi hosts Asher Reich and Miron C. Izakson


Wednesday, May 18, 20:00


A discussion about inheriting a language, conquering it, and the poetry that is born in the process


Poets Asher Reich and Miron C. Izakson

Musician Corinne Allal will sing her songs, including "My Mother Tongue," to words by Isaackson.

Part 2: Yossi Alfi hosts poet Haim Guri


Wednesday, June 22, 8 PM

On Zionism's attitude towards immigrants


Author and poet Haim Guri


Artist Ori Leshman and singer Mai Israeli present "Yerid HaMizrach (Eastern Fair)," their setting of words by Guri, and other songs

Admission: NIS 40; students: NIS 20


King George St. 44


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