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Events in Jerusalem

Purim Special at the Inbal Hotel

Purim Special at the Inbal Hotel at 20.03.2011

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Sunday mar 20th

The Inbal Hotel presents a special family package for Purim from March 20-25, 2011.

The package includes:

*Full breakfast for the whole family
*Free entrance to the new health club which includes a fitness room, half-Olympic size covered and heated pool, wet and dry sauna
*Free tickets to the Time Elevator
*Lunch in the hotel's Sofia restaurant, featuring a special festive menu by chef Moti Buhbut

All inclusive price: 1240 NIS per couple per night, plus 210 NIS for a child staying in the parents' room. Special deals for families with two or more children.


Jabotinsky St. 3


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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