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Events in Jerusalem

Sports and Health Expo at Binyanei Hauma

Sports and Health Expo at Binyanei Hauma at 22.03.2011

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Tuesday mar 22nd

Binyanei Hauma presents Israel's first of its kind Sports and Health Expo, on March 22-24, 2011 from 11:00-21:00. On the closing day, March 24, the expo will be extended until 22:30. The expo will host sports and health companies who will display and sell sports and health equipment. In addition, there will be lectures on nutrition, sports, and health. The aim of the expo is to raise awareness about the importance of sports, exercise and healthy life style. The main stage will feature sports and artistic participatory workshops and classes, including music, hip hop, Jerusalem dance and more. There will be a special area dedicated to the Jerusalem Marathon, where runners' kits will be distributed.



Open Hours



Zalman Shazar St. 1


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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