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Events in Jerusalem

Women's StageNight at Off the Wall

Women's StageNight at Off the Wall at 06.04.2011

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Wednesday apr 6th

??? ????, Ladies First & Off The Wall Comedy Women present "Women's StageNight": Opening Night.

Spotlight On Women. Open Mike and Showcase for Ladies.

Every other Wednesday. Call Annie 054-632-3066 to reserve your spot in the show. Doors open at 7:30.

**(Discounted entrance for Students and mothers that need to get a babysitter. Please bring a letter from your babysitter, or a receipt of payment as proof that you are a young mother that has been spit up on all day by your adorable baby, and as soon as the babysitter came, you ran out the door to sing and dance the night away! Really, it is the best escape!)


Ben Yehuda 34 (down the stairs from the Mashbir)


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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