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Events in Jerusalem

Thursday Nights at the City of David

Thursday Nights at the City of David at 20.01.2011

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Thursday jan 20th

The City of David presents a unique weekly event. As the sun sets, the City of David takes on a relaxed and serene feeling. Soft aesthetic lighting lights up the ancient stones and in the Garden of the King, among the old olive trees, the City of David invites you to sit back, relax, listen to music and enjoy tasty coffee. The weekly event also features tours, opening with an extraordinary night view from the top of the "Beit Hatzofeh" lookout point, highlighting the biblical City of David's unique location in contrast to the Old City walls of today. An impressive 3D display gives an explanation of the city's history, and in a guided tour, accompanied by artistic lighting, new biblical discoveries are highlighted and explained. The tour continues to the ancient "Government Municipality" where a new, artistic display is screened on the walls which tells the story of the City of David through movement and sound.

*The site will be open Thursday nights until 23:00. Visitors may enter until 21:00
*There will be a Hebrew guided tour every Thursday at 18:00
*There will be an English guided tour every Thursday at 21:00
*The duration of the tour is approximately an hour and a quarter
*The Thursday night events except for the guided tour are included in the regular entrance fees: 25 NIS for adults; 13 NIS for children
*The price for the guided tour is 35 NIS for adults and 13 NIS for children

For more information: | 02-626-8700 | *6033

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday 8:00 to 19:00; Fridays and Holiday eves 8:00 to 15:00 | New extended Thursday night hours until 23:00


Shiloach Village


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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