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Events in Jerusalem

Summer Nights at Mini Israel: Moshe Lahav's The Big Tisch

Summer Nights at Mini Israel: Moshe Lahav's The Big Tisch at 13.08.2010

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Friday aug 13th

Mini Israel's "Summer Nights" series returns with a great line up of Friday night events throughout the summer for the 50+ crowd. Events are to feature live performances by bands playing Israeli, foreign, and sixtees music, dance music, DJs, a full bar, refreshment center, and of course all of Mini Israel's other attractions, lit up beautifully at night, creating a magical atmosphere.

On August 13, veteran folk-rock performer Moshe Lahav gathers fans around his table once again for another manifestation of his classic Big Tisch show.


First drink on the house.

Open Hours

Sunday through Thursday, Saturday 10:00 to 22:00; Friday, 10:00 to 14:00




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