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Events in Jerusalem

Mea Shearim

Mea Shearim at 12.06.2010

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Saturday jun 12th

Tze'irim Bamerkaz presents "Mea Shearim" - One Hundred Goals: a series of culture events taking place in Jerusalem during the World Cup 2010. The events will take place before the screening of any particular night's game screening.

June 12: Tel Aviv | Jabotinsky | Yam on Ben Shetach
20:00 movie: Soccer Factory
21:30 game: England-US
*Samuel Addams beer and Gin Tonic discount

June 15: Kings on Yaffo 33
20:00 live show: Kapuera
21:30 game: Brazil-North Korea

June 16: Hataklit on Aristoblus, corner of Heleni Hamalka
20:15 lecture: Uruguay, the first Queen of Soccer, by Hariberto Winter
21:30 game: Uruguay-South Africa

June 20: Tarankilo on Koresh 3
20:00 live show: Brazilian dance
21:30 game: Brazil-Ivory Coast
*Kapirinia discount

June 21: Gola in Feingold Court
20:00 live show: Flameco with a Spanish band
21:00 game: Spain-Honduras
*chaser with every beer from the barrel

June 22: Tarankilo on Koresh 3
20:00 movie: Maradona
21:30 game :Argentina-Greece
*the best of Argentinian meat, beer, and ouzo at discounted prices

June 22: Vice-versa on Ben Shetach, co sponsored by the Centre Culturel Francais Romain Gary
20:00 discussion: The Place of Soccer in French Culture Amongst French Journalists by Daniele Kriegel and Frederic Barreyre (in French with translation to Hebrew)
21:00 French music and chansons with Boris Katz and accordion

June 23: Hataklit on Aristoblus, corner of Heleni Hamalka
20:30 lecture on German soccer by Professor Moshe Zimmmerman
21:30 game: Ghana-Germany

June 24: Hataklit Aristoblus, corner of Heleni Hamalka
20:15 lecture: Holland Total Football, from Kroyf to the Dutch of Milan by Haim Baram
21:30 game: Holland-Cameroon

June 25: Tel Aviv | Jabotinsky | Yam onBen Shetach
16:00 Brazilian Festival
17:00 game: Portugal-Brazil
*Kapirinia 50% off

June 26: Mia Bar on Hillel 18
20:30 beer workshop
21:30 game: second round
*specials on beers

June 27: Gola in Feingold Court
20:00 live show: Afro Funk
21:30 game: second round
*chaser with every beer

June 28: Haboo'ah on Havatzelet 9
20:00 Kick for Life
21:30 game: second round
*chaser with every beer

For more information: Minhal Kehilati Lev Ha'ir: 02-623-0048 | Tzeirim Bamerkaz: 02-623-2224


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