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Events in Jerusalem

June at Mia Bar

June at Mia Bar at 01.06.2010

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Tuesday jun 1st

June is Cocktail Month at Mia Bar, featuring lots of events and lots of wine. Check out the Mia magazine:


Cocktail month will feature dozens of cocktails from around the world at the best cocktail bar in Jerusalem, including lassic cocktails and unique cocktails created by Mia bar's talented bar staff.

Cocktail highlights: Black Bottom Cocktail, by Mia Yehezkeli: Yehezkeli won second place in a national cocktail contest for this amazing cocktail.


Cocktail month will feature tons of cocktail events, including a special surprise large scale event towards the end of the month.


Other goings on at Mia Bar:

-A new updated menu

-A new barman

-Screening of the World Cup, and accompanying special

-Red head party on June 7

-Second hand sale and ecological sun party on June 11 from 10:00-18:00. With DJ Tamar Melinovich from Mount Scopus radio.

-June 19: Father's Day in the United States. American music, American drinks, and American movies.




For more information:

Open Hours

Saturday to Thursday, 19:00 until last customer; Friday 20:00 until last customer


Hillel St. 18


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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