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Events in Jerusalem

The Bible Lands Museum 18th Anniversary Celebrations

The Bible Lands Museum 18th Anniversary Celebrations at 23.05.2010

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Sunday may 23rd

The BLMJ celebrates its 18th Anniversary with a week full of exciting tours and activities.

The annual Gala Dinner, on May 27th, 2010, will be held in honor of Museum Founder, Batya Borowski, in celebration of her 80th birthday. Proceeds from the evening will go towards reaching out to children at risk and underprivileged populations in Jerusalem.

Professor Sir John Boardman, one of the world's leading experts on Classical Art from the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, will present a special lecture dedicated to the late Dr. Elie Borowski on Wednesday, May 26th.

See Israel as you have never seen it before 23-28.5.10. Join BLMJ for Ancient Roads and Crossroads: six days of fascinating archaeological tours led by world-renowned experts. This unique tour package will shed light on archaeological discoveries in major sites and surprise you with some newly discovered wonders...

23.5.10 - Caesarea - the gate to Israel
24-25.5.10 - Beit Shean to Tiberias - between the Mediterranean Sea and Transjordan
26.5.10 - Khirbet Qeiyafa - from the land of the Philistines to Judea
27.5.10 - Crusader Jerusalem
28.5.10 - The hills of Jerusalem - agricultural Jerusalem

Tours will be conducted in English.
For full program and registration: 02-5611066,


Bible Lands Museum Granot St. 25


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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