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Events in Jerusalem

Obscura Day

Obscura Day at 20.03.2010

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Saturday mar 20th

Obscura Day 2010 is an international event: a day of expiditions, back-room tours and hidden treasures in your own home town. Obscura Day in Jerusalem, Israel will feature a scavenger hunt at the Bloomfield Science Museum. Obscura day is your chance to have a calm and different kind of visit - just before the Bloomfield Science Museum will be packed with Pesach visitors. At the end of April, two of our exhibitions will be dismantled in preparation for a new one so this is your last opportunity to visit them. Throughout the day we will run a game called "find the exhibit". You will receive photos of exhibits , taken from unusual angels, and will be asked to find the exhibit in the museum. On the way, you will discover new corners at the museum. You are warned - it will not be easy but it will be great fun.



Open Hours

Monday to Thursday 10:00 to 18:00; Friday 10:00 to 14:00; Saturday 10:00 to 15:00; Sundays closed


Hebrew University, Givat Ram


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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