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Jerusalem restaurants category

Mifgash Ha'esh Restaurant

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Mizrachi (Middle Eastern Jewish) cuisine is the great equalizer of Israeli culture – tensions may still be found simmering between the various groups that comprise Israel's Jewish population, but when a plate of hummus, a tray of shipudim (skewered meats) or a bowl of kubeh (meat dumpling) soup is involved, Israelis put aside their differences and engage in their most beloved cultural pursuit: eating.


Nowhere is this more apparent than at Jerusalem's Mifgash Ha'esh, where sizzling Iraqi meat delicacies serve to make peace even between battling ministers Knesset members, who are frequently seen diving into plates of shishlik and chicken livers. Mifgash Ha'esh grills and skewers just about every part of every kosher animal, offering everything from a "special" shawarma to veal chops, and for the adventurous diner, not one, but two varieties of testicle: bull and turkey. Even vegetarians will find plenty of food, with multiple varieties of hummus, other salads and an array of stuffed vegetables.

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