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Jerusalem attractions category

Machol Shalem Dance House


Machol Shalem was founded in 2002, with the mission of promoting the art of independent dance in Jerusalem, and by doing do helping the professional development of Jerusalem-based artists, allowing them to remain and reside in Jerusalem. The group is based at the Musrara Community Center in downtown Jerusalem, in a location that brings together the old city of Jerusalem, and its modern parts.


Throughout the year Machol Shalem supports and promotes original independent dance pieces, among them a Children targeted performance. Machol Shalem conducts co-productions with international dance houses.  We strive to aid dance artists to develop an original take on dance, while maintaining their personal “touch”. The dance pieces take place within a spectrum of styles, from abstract dance to physical theater, investigating the concept of movement. In many of the cases, dances combine different forms of art and media. The issues that stand in the heart of the dances are of social  dynamics and the complexities that rise from the encounter of varied and different populations in Israel.


Aside from supporting independent dance productions, Machol Shalem hosts independent artists from both Israel and abroad, initiates dance performances and produces a yearly dance festival in Jerusalem which promotes independent local art and international cooperations. In 2009, the Musrara Community Center was renovated with the aid of the Bracha Foundation, and is used is a hothouse for independent dance artists, holds lessons and workshops with international artists, and is used as infrastructure for rehersals.


In 2010, the community center’s concert hall was converted to a dance performance hall – “Ha Karnaf” (the Rhinoceros), with the aid of the Jerusalem Foundation, allowing the creation of a new dance stage for local artists, in which evenings of modern dance are are held, combining theater and music. Machol Shalem and the Musrara Community Center host theater and dance groups from all across Israel.


The activities of Machol Shalem are supported by the Jerusalem Municipality, the Cultural Office- Ministry of Culture and Sport, The Jerusalem Foundation, and with cooperation from the Choreograph Association and the Musrara Community Center.

This week at Machol Shalem Dance House

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