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Aish Israel Jerusalem

Aish World Center

Welcome to Aish World Center

Group Booking
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Start your visit to Jerusalem’s Western Wall – or, the Wailing Wall – at The Aish World Center on the Kotel Plaza. Our innovative, interactive and inspiring Western Wall Experience will give you a powerful and personal introduction to this holy site through an expert guided tour, multimedia presentations and the unique opportunity to visit the Aish World Centre Rooftop observatory for a breathtaking panoramic view of the Wall. 


Looking at the world’s most spectacular model of the majestic Second Temple, you’ll journey back into our heritage 2,000 years to understand the integral role the Temple and the Wall have played in creating this iconic historical and religious site.  


After the rooftop tour, you are ushered into our state-of-the-art Kirk Douglas Theater theater for an interactive and informative multimedia presentation introduced by the legendary actor himself.  


Your experience will conclude with an inspiring and empowering opportunity to write your own personal note to place in the ancient stones of the Wall.  You’ll walk out to the Western Wall Plaza through our private entrance – a tunnel bored through the original bedrock upon which Aish is built.  


Our Western Wall Experience will provide you and your loved ones with the ability to connect to the Wall and its significance, giving you the tools and knowledge to make your visit to the Wall a meaningful and exciting life experience, a unique moment you will treasure forever.  


Whether this is your first visit to the Wall or one of many, whether you are a tourist or native Israeli, the Aish Israel team at the Western Wall looks forward to welcoming you to the Aish World Center. 


Tours are generally available Sunday through– Thursday, 9am to 5pm by reservation only.  To book your tour, and hear about other exciting opportunities at the Aish World Centre, please email [email protected] or call 073 229 3539.


The Western Wall Experience is designed for tour groups, family missions, IDF groups and schools. Tours for individuals are only available at the invitation of Aish Jerusalem. 




Rate per Person: 30 NIS

Group Rate per Person: 22 NIS

Student, Enlisted Military & Child (12 & under) Rate: 25 NIS 


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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