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Beit Avi Chai venue

Beit Avi Chai

Five on the Rechter Scale: The Israeli Brass Quintet Hosts Yoni Rechter at 15.01.2014, 20:30

Beit Avi Chai EVENTS - 7


Wednesday jan 15th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Five on the Rechter Scale": The Israeli Brass Quintet Hosts Yoni Rechter

Wednesday ǀ 15.1 ǀ 8:30 PM


A performance dedicated entirely to the wonderful songs of Yoni Rechter which will be presented in new and fresh arrangements which have been written especially for this performance.


The Israeli Brass Quintet is an unorthodox group of five of Israel's leading brass instrument players. The quintet performs diverse programs in Israel and worldwide.


Special guest: Yoni Rechter



Barak Yevin - French horn

Avital Handler - Tuba

Guy Sarig - Trumpet

Yaron Hering - Trombone

Yuval Shapira - Trumpet


Artistic director: Barak Weiss


Price: NIS 50, Students: NIS 20

The event will be broadcast live on the BEIT AVI CHAI website.

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