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Events in Jerusalem

Peter Pan at Binyanei Hauma

Peter Pan at Binyanei Hauma at 16.12.2012

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Sunday dec 16th

Binyanei Hauma presents Peter Pan - the musical that will have you flying!

Chanukah, December 16, 2012

The classic story of Peter Pan, the boy who didn't want to grow up, returns to the stage this year in a new production, rhythmic and updated for the 21st century. With the help of a bit of fairy dust, the show will carry the audience, children and adults alike, to an island of adventure, heroes, pirates, Indians, and mermaids. Escape reality for a couple of hours and enter the magical world of Never Never Land, made possible with the help of an enchanted set design, spectacular costumes, and original, spellbinding music.

Duration: 1 hour and 40 minutes with intermission

This is a Hebrew-language only event

Starring: Harel Sakat, Yisrael Katurza, Roni Dalumi, Roni Duani, Oshrat Dagshant, Michael Einav, Roni Sasson, and 20 actors, singers, dancers, and acrobats

Production: Direction and music: Yaron Kafkafi | Script and lyrics: Yaron Kafkafi and Noa Brenner | Costumes: Ela Kolsnik | Set: Bambi Friedman | Lighting: Micha Margalit | Choreography: Nadav Tzelner | Flying: Circus | Production office: M.M. Productions and Maayan Maimon and Bimot | PR: Tavit

Click here to order tickets from Bimot


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