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Events in Jerusalem

The End Doesn't Matter

The End Doesn't Matter at 26.06.2010

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Saturday jun 26th

Hama'abada presents: Children's Weekend at Hama'abada!

The Kumkum Group Presents: The End Doesn't Matter!

The Kumkum Group is a group of puppeteers, mimes, designers and musicians who create a visual theater for the entire family. They bring the atmosphere of a street theater to the stage, along with clownery and circus arts, but with content and a message.
Once upon a time a theater on wheels and a quick handed magician, a tale telling fox and a singing, dancing stork. Every day they traveled to a new place and performed their extravagant show, but for some reason they were never able to end it.
You will be the audience at their performance!
And, you will be able to peek behind the scenes of this traveling theater.

Ages: 3-300



Hebron St. 28


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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