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The Tower of David Museum - Srtip - 1

The Tower of David Museum

London in Jerusalem at 18.06.2018

Until 02.12.2018

The Tower of David Museum recreates soirées in the living room, Fink’s bar, a Mandate-time cinema, radio entertainment from the 30s and 40s and a chance for the visitor to explore the culture on the streets of Jerusalem during the time of British rule. 


British rule over Jerusalem lasted thirty years: a mere moment in the history of the city. However, in this brief moment, Jerusalem was dramatically changed.  The exhibition, London in Jerusalem, moves the spotlight away from a political, religious, and idealized Jerusalem. It examines the extensive cultural activity that the British, Arabs and Jews took part in presenting the cultural voices that were momentarily present in the city exploring the music, past-times, drinks, news and cinema of the period.


The exhibition is split into 5 different parts:


Hello, hello, Jerusalem speaks!   Standing next to the grand piano brought to the Tower of David from the IBA, visitors can listen to the news of the day, listen to live recordings of ensembles and bands and radio shows.


Soirées in the Salon  A reconstructed living room that would have been found in Rehavia during the time period together with original cabinets, china, radio and furniture, invite visitors to have a feel for home life during the Mandate


British Cinema - The exhibition provides a glimpse at the cinema experience then, by reconstructing a tiny cinema, with wooden seats and velvet curtains.


Fink’s Bar  If there was one place that “held the secrets” of Jerusalem during this time period, that had to be the institution Fink’s Bar. It’s here that goulash and schnitzel were served, no doubt dry martinis and 15 year old whiskies.  Within the Crusader Hall, Fink’s has been reconstructed and the original guest book is there on display.


The King David Hotel guest book also from the Mandate period is on display, the yellow pages still showing the signatures of diplomats, politicians, world leaders, artists, movies stars and public figures.


Tea shops and Café culture: In the center of the exhibition are tables and chairs that one might have found in the many tea houses that started springing up around the city such as the famous Atara café.


Curators: Liat Margalit and Inbar Dror Lax




Three girls: Atara Valero and friends at a cafe, Jerusalem, 1940, Photographer Aharon Valero, courtesy of Valero family collection, Photographs, Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi Archives


Football match, British Army v French Army at YMCA 16 March 1940. The French team won! Matson Collection. Library of Congress Washington


live music being played in a restaurant in Jerusalem. 1933photograph Zvi Oron. Central Zionist Archives Collections


Tennis Finals, the German Colony Sports Club. September 13, 1934. Zvi Oron, Central Zionist Archives Collection Jerusalem




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