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Bloomfield Science Museum - B - 1

Bloomfield Science Museum

Touching Light at 31.03.2015

Until 01.04.2015

The Bloomfield Science Museum in Jerusalem presents:


Light, Shadow and Fire


Activities and an exhibition for the whole family


Games in Light and Shadow exhibition

Building workshops for the whole family

Light and Fire – scientific demonstrations


Games in Light and Shadow


Welcome to the spacious Parisian home of Professor Archibald Ombre – scientist, dreamer, and collector of shadows. His house is filled with surprising, exotic, and lyrical shapes that invite visitors to become scientists. Dozens of interactive exhibits and works by leading Israeli artists invite you to play with shadows, enlarge them, duplicate them, layer them, let them run away and capture them. The only light comes from the exhibits themselves. During Chanukah “Professor Ombre” will take you on a guided tour of his home.


Building Workshop:


Spinning  Spirale: How can we make the spirale to spin? Children will make a spirale and test its reaction to the heat of a candle (guided workshop, for age 5 and above. Children must be accompanied by an adult).


deLIGHTful Card: Make a greeting card out of cardboard, LED sparkles, a battery, and conductive glue. An enjoyable, creative, and imaginative activity (age 10 and above).


Experiment Workshop


Whip up light creations in the kitchen – in the Games in Light and Shadow kitchen you can cook ‘shadow objects’ out of everyday materials, tools and gadgets, and check out the shadows formed on the kitchen wall. Remember to dismantle your creations and leave them for the next visitor.


Flashlight workshop – a fascinating experience for adults and children (aged 5-10) that takes place in the dark. How do we see at night? What other senses do we use, when our sight is limited? How do creatures adapt to night vision? And more.


Scientific Demonstration “On Fire” – scientific demonstration with audience participation that combines fire and chemical substances.  

Other activities:

Three-dimensional film “The Last Reef” (NIS 10 entrance fee)


‘Mathematics as Art’ exhibition. Mathematical concepts find expression in  unusual and surprising art works.


Exhibition: PHOTAGE – Autumn Impressions – three dimensional visual impressions in two dimensional space.


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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