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Events in Jerusalem

January Events at the Malcha Mall

January Events at the Malcha Mall at 01.01.2010

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Friday jan 1st

The Malcha Mall invites your children to a slew of activities, performances, and winter workshops throughout the month of January.


Monday, January 11: A colorful arts and crafts fair


Tuesdays, at 17:00 and 18:00: Cooking workshops for children (register in advance at the mall). Dress up as chefs and cook something different each week. Sponsored by "Mevashlim Im Tammy," Pri Hagalil, Teva Tari, and Prinur.


    January 5: Chocolate Mousse

    January 12: Sweet Fingers

    January 19: Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting

    January 26: Halva mousse


Wednesdays, 15:00-20:00

A variety of moonwalks for children's enjoyment (minimal fee).

Thursdays, at 18:00: Kids Club--shows and performances for all ages!

    January 7: "Dorit the Enchanted Fairy:" An enchated performance with music and dancing in the land of the fairies.

    January 14: "Asafi's Best Friend, Papi": Asaf found a dog, Papi, and ever since they met they were best friends that do everything together: play, sing, dance, and learn.

     January 21: "Mighty Dror and the Flying Guitar": The magic party powder is gone and the minister stops the show. Will Dror and the children manage to start it up again?


    January 28: "Uncle Chaim's Performance": A show which includes children's songs, games and tasks, skits, magic, and birthday presents for all children who celebrate birthdays in December. 

Open Hours

Malcha Mall opening hours: Sunday-Thursday 9:30-22:00, Friday 9:00-15:00, Saturday from an hour after Shabbat ends - 23:00.


Malcha Mall


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