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Events in Jerusalem

Shaon Horef

Shaon Horef at 26.02.2018

Until 24.02.2020

Shaon Horef 2020 - Annual Winter Festival in Jerusalem

03.02 / Havatzelet St.


10.02 / Koresh - Shlomzion St.


17.02 / Hillel St.


24.02 / Ha'Oman St.


The Youth Authority of the Jerusalem Municipality presents Sha'on Horef ("Winter Noize") a series of wintery cultural events in the streets of Jerusalem's city center. The lineup of events includes music, dance, street theater, video art, cooking workshops, parties, artist masterclasses, exhibitions and more. Thousands of people participate each week and transform the streets of Jerusalem into a vibrant cultural space.





The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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