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Events in Jerusalem

Sir Onion and Sir Garlic

at 12.07.2011

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Tuesday jul 12th

Sir Onion and Sir Garlic, a culinary workshop

The workshop will be held twice, and is approximately two and a half hours long:
Thursday, July 7th and 12th, 19:00

It's not true that personal taste shouldn't be up for debate. Mankind has always been divided into two camps: those who like garlic and onions and those who don't. What is it about the taste of garlic and onion that stimulates our taste buds and our tear glands? Why did the People of Israel specifically crave Egypt's garlic and onions? Is that how they wanted to season the manna?

Chef Yossi Ben Dayan and Prof. Avigdor Shinan invite you to a theoretical culinary workshop about the tastes and smells of garlic and onions.

Admission: NIS 60, students: NIS 30


In conjunction with the Tachlit Center for External Studies, Hadassah College, Jerusalem


Beit Avi Chai King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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