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Events in Jerusalem

Fall 2010: Student Discount at Taiku

at 01.10.2010

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Friday oct 1st

Taiku, the Emek Refaim sushi bar serving up sushi imbued with local flavor, presents students with an offer they won't be able to refuse this fall. With a special student menu and 30% off all rolls on the menu, Taiku proves its love of students and as well as its understanding of their budget. The offer is even valid on deliveries (which are, as always, 100% free!).

*Offer valid on sit down orders from 12:00 - 18:00 and after 22:00, as well as on delivery orders.
*No double discounts
*Students must present valid student card to receive discount

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday, Noon to 23:00; Friday, 11:00 to 15:30; Saturday night, 20:00 to 23:00


Emek Refaim St. 31


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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