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Events in Jerusalem

Tu B'av at Luciana

at 25.07.2010

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Sunday jul 25th

Luciana will be decked out in red balloons with love songs playing in the background in honor of Tu B'av, the Holiday of Love. Come to Luciana, the romantic Italian restaurant in the heart of the German Colony and enjoy the romantic atmosphere inside, or sit on the porch under 300 year old eucalyptus trees, to help you get into the Tu B'av mood. Then indulge in a first course on the house of a sweet cheese roll and dried fruits in passion fruit butter sauce. Top it all off with a cup of coffee for just 1 NIS and a full menu of refreshing cocktails.

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday, 9:30 to 24:00; Friday, 8:30 until three hours before Shabbat; Saturday night, a half-hour after Shabbat ends until 24:00


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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