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Events in Jerusalem

Chef Roi Entebee Hosts Chef Ilan Gerosi at Rooftop

at 22.06.2010

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Tuesday jun 22nd

Because two are better than one: chef Roi Entebbee of the Mamilla Hotel's Rooftop hotel hosts chef Ilan Gerosi of Jerusalem's Chakara restaurant. Gerosi will be the third chef to be hosted at Rooftop in recent weeks. Previous guests include Asaf Granit of Machaneyuda and Sharon Cohen of the Shilo restaurant. Entebbee and Gerosi have teamed up and created a kosher menu special for the occasion. Enjoy gourmet delights while taking in the view of the sunset over the Old City of Jerusalem.

*Advance reservations recommended at 02-548-2230.


With the order of a main dish, first courses accompanied by margaritas on arak and red grapefruit will also be served, at no additional cost.

First Courses (no additional cost):
Clementa olive foccacia, sun dried tomatoes, and herbs from the rooftop garden.
Antipasti-roasted young beets, zucchini, and pepper on an open fire
Small plate of creamed eggplant, chopped liver, caviar, fresh tomatoes, olive oil and hot chili, anchovy, pepper, and olive dip.
Nicoise fish cevishe
Grilled sirloin strips over salad
Lightly pickled palamida with black lentil salad and a touch of Techina

Main dishes:
Steak filet over apricot chutney
Corvina fish, pickled lemons and tomato arrangement
Chicken breast
Sea bass over warm salad of white beans, tomatoes, and spinach
Lamb with pickled lemons, steamed baby eggplant, humus and okra
Linguini with roasted tomatoes, zucchini, basil, chili and olive oil

Prices of main dishes range from 90-170 NIS

Desserts (extra cost):

Vanilla ice cream with techina and pine nuts - 34 NIS
Apple tart and coconut sorbet - 34 NIS

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday, 12:00 to 24:00; Friday to Saturday, 11:00 to 23:00 (cold menu items only)


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