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Events in Jerusalem

Enchanting Thai Culture at the Gerard Bechar Center

at 28.02.2013

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Thursday feb 28th

The Royal Thai Embassy to Israel is proud to present "Enchanting Thai Culture": an exquisite Asian-Thailand style performance by the Royal Palace Ensemble, under the Auspices of H.E. Mr. Jukr Boon-Long, Ambassador of Tahailand.

Thursday, February 28, 2013 at 20:30

The show, part of a world tour, is directed by Dr. Anucha Thirakanont, Assistant Director of the Royal Production of Khon Performance, and includes nine musicians and sixteen dancers performing eight short segments.

The show was originally performed in honor of the 80th birthday of the Queen and has been performed yearly ever since. The group performed the show and has appeared at festivals around the world, including Paris and Los Angeles.

Thursday, February 28, 2013 at 20:30

Duration: about one hour

Please arrive by 20:00 to collect tickets.


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