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Events in Jerusalem

Hansel and Gretel: The End of the Fairy Tale

at 05.09.2011

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Monday sep 5th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Hansel and Gretel: The End of the Fairy Tale": A monodrama for adults: an innocent fairy tale that becomes a dramatic work that doesn't end like a fairy tale.

~ Monday, September 5, 8:30 PM

*Performance in English

An actress has a performance right after she visits the cemetery. She starts relating the fairy tale of Hansel and Gretel, but due to her stormy and difficult mood, memories from the past come up and overwhelm her. She experiences the memories from the standpoint of the child she once was, and gradually her family story unfolds.

"What is required in order to create a powerful human drama? First of all, a good story, and then, an intelligent, original way of telling it.... This is a small, powerful play with a sharp message...." (Shai Bar-Yaakov, Yedioth Ahronoth)

Written and performed by Florence Fisch-Hacham
Directed by Ilan Ziv-Zontag
Puppet design: Miri Mendel
Set: Yaheli Stahl-Shimoni and Ilan Ziv-Zontag

Price: 60 NIS, Students: NIS 20


King George St. 44


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