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Events in Jerusalem

Jerusalem Arts Festival 2013: Ladino Choir - Choirs sing Ladino

at 18.03.2013

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Monday mar 18th

The Gerard Bechar Center presents "Ladino Choir - Choirs Sing Ladino"

Choirs and singing groups sing old and beloved Ladino songs

Part of the Jerusalem Arts Festival.

Ziva Atar Women's Ensemble | Conductor: Ziva Atar
Sounds of Ladino Choir | Conductor: Flora Vinokourov
Beats of Ladino Choir | Conductor: Shalom Soto
Kolot Ami Choir | Conductor: Yosi Debra
Zimrat Haaretz Choir (from Elkanah) | Conductor: Ezra Moriel
Arkadash Choir of the Organization of Turkish Immigrants (Yehud)

Price: 75 NIS
Tickets: Gerard Bechar Center box office 02-6251139 | Varda Matityahu 054-5248073,
Event Time: 20:30
Event Date: 18/03/2013
Duration: 120 minutes
Venue: Gerard Bechar Center


Bezalel St. 11


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