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Events in Jerusalem

The 2012 Jerusalem International Chamber Music Festival

at 01.09.2012

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Saturday sep 1st

The 15th Jerusalem International Chamber Music Festival will take place from September 1-15, 2012, with a special finale concert on September 15, 2012, at the YMCA Concert Hall in Jerusalem. This year, the festival celebrates the immensely rich reservoir of Russian classical music, spanning works from Glinka, ‘father' of Russian music, to a special Festival commission from the contemporary Azerbaijani composer, Faradj Karaev.

The festival will also pay tribute to the incomparable music of Schubert and the 150th anniversary of Debussy's birth.


For more information, including the full festival schedule of concerts and programs, and to order tickets, please visit the festival's website, here.


YMCA | King David St. 26


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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